Account creation in the mobile app (needed for connection outside of the LAN)

In some cases the Nokia WiFi mobile app will have an option to create a Nokia WiFi account (this is dependent on your internet provider's configurations). A Nokia WiFi account gives you the ability to use the app to manage you network when outside of your home (not connected to your LAN - with a remote connection).

You can create an account during the set up process, through the notification icon mceclip0.png or after in settings.

Account creation during set up
During set up in some cases you will be asked to create an account:

  • In the Create account screen, enter your name in the Full Name field and tap Next.
  • In the What’s your email screen, enter a valid email address in the Email Address field and tap Next.
  • In the Create a password screen, enter a password.
    • The password must be 8 to 24 characters in length and include at least one special character (except for %) and at least one number. The first character cannot be a special character. The same character cannot occur consecutively 8 times.
  • Tap Next. A verification email is sent to your email address.
  • Follow the steps sent in the verification email.
  • Go back to the mobile app and see that the account has been successfully created.

Account creation in settings
If account creation is available but was not done during setup there will be an option to do so in settings.

  • In the mobile app, in the settings menu, under General, tap Account
  • Follow the instructions there to set up an account as described above

Account creation through the notification

By default, there is a notification for new user in the home screen when they sign into the app.

  • Tap on the notification icon.
  • Tap Create your account.
  • Follow the instructions there to set up an account as described above

Delete account

  1. Tap Setting in the home screen of Nokia WiFi mobile app.
  2. Under General, tap 
  3. Tap Delete account.
  4. Tap Delete. Once you tap delete, you will no longer be able to access the account from outside of our home and you need to login again with credentials on the bottom of the root device.